We Are


The Authentic
Sri Lankan Agri Products Exporter

Dinrich is a revolutionary locating, producing, packaging and an exporter of high-quality Sri Lankan Spices, Fruits & Vegetables in the island nation and currently export its Spices, Fruits & Vegetables to many countries around the globe. The mainstream of our products is directly exported to leading supermarkets, agents and food services & processing companies. We are in the verge of exploring other ways to share our exquisite range with the wider world and as part of the initiative, bringing our most popular products to enjoy at home.
With an experienced Management team in the industry who have been guiding the forerunners have come together in taking the Sri Lankan Brand name to the world where the sweet freshness of our vegetables, fruits has attracted many reputed hotels & food service companies as our direct customers. Our Spices are widely famous amongst the global Market as they are harvested  naturally & organically grown farms where they are complete with nutritious flavors, rich in aroma. As we select best quality harvest, we impose each drive to save quality during the times of manufacturing & packaging. In order to preserve the fruits and vegetables so it can be eaten beyond the harvest season we are now in to processing vegetables and fruits which will be soon available in all our present markets Locally & Globally.


To develop an internationally well recognized world class iconic brand.


Maximum value creation through quality, excellence and innovation in all our business segments as the frontrunner in the market.

Our Values

When you Select Dinrich International You will get


It is our strong believe that food safety can be guaranteed through the collective effort of all stakeholders participating in the process as at Dinrich International (Pvt) Ltd, we endeavor to be accepted as a producers of best quality spices products, quality and fresh vegetables, fruits and related value-added products exporting company. With an experienced & a capable management team, strong management commitment is shown through the provision of required infrastructure facilities, equipment and human resources with proper training.
Food Safety Management System is implemented with the support of appropriate documentation and records with the implementation of hygiene control operations. We Also practice Authentic product requirements with mutually agreed food safety requirements of suppliers, customers and consumers. Food Safety Management System is checked periodically through planned verification and Management reviews with a view to continuously improve the system.